Privacy Policy for This Website

We share your privacy concerns. This explains our policy on the information that is gathered from this website, the personal data that we do NOT collect from this website and how we use the statistical data that we do collect.

E-Mail Addresses and Other Personal Information

We cannot identify individual visitors to our website, nor can we identify your name, e-mail address, phone number, etc. If you do fill out a website form or send an e-mail from this website which provides personal contact information, then that information is ONLY used to respond to your request. That e-mailed request will be deleted once it is clear that your request is no longer active. We do not compile the personal contact information received from this website, nor do we distribute this information to any third parties or otherwise abuse it.

The Generic Website Information That We Do Collect

We do collect aggregate website information such as how many users visit the website, what website links (if any) brought people to our site, what percentage of users are using each of the various browser types, etc. This allows us to measure the website's popularity, the effectiveness of our website marketing, spot problem areas, and make sure that our website programming decisions are properly geared to the device, browser and operating systems that people are generally using. These general statistics do not allow us to identify any specific user.

Website Cookies

"Cookies" are tiny text files used by your computer's browser that store your website preferences or other basic information. These are used by many major websites. We may occasionally choose to use temporary cookies in a very limited way. For example, if there is an announcement of some kind, we may use a cookie to store the fact that you have already seen it and shouldn't be shown it again. No personal information of any kind is stored. On the rare occasions when we do use cookies, we only use "session" cookies. This type of cookie is very safe as it only stores information for and about the website that uses it, it is not read by other users or websites, and when you close your browser it is automatically deleted. You should also know that most browsers give you the option of "blocking" the use of cookies, should that be your preference.

Third Party Website Policies and Internet Privacy

In using this website, you may find links to information on other websites or have reached this website from another third party website. While this Website Privacy Policy applies to this website, we cannot be held responsible for the policies of any independent third party sites that we may link to or that may link to this website. Also note that due to the very nature of the Internet, information or communications sent or viewed over the Internet should not be considered as confidential.

We hope you found this privacy policy explanation helpful!